MPC is thrilled to have been able to help out Andy on his cross-country trip from New York to Oregon. Andy is a veteran of the Marine Corps and served in Desert Storm. He has led a fascinating life and is full of amazing stories. Andy worked as a military contractor after his service and later went on to be a test-rider for Ducati motorcycles.
A first-time Porsche buyer, Andy flew to New York and purchased his first Porsche, a 1983 911SC Coupe – a great Porsche, whether your first or last. He then proceeded to drive his newly acquired 32 year old baby across the country home to Oregon. This is the kind of wonderful, gutsy car adventure that was common years ago, but most people just do not try any longer. However, with Andy’s background it is easy to see why he was up for the challenge.
Andy posted updates of his journey on a Pelican Parts blog and thus picked up a lot of support from fellow Porschephiles across the country. In NW Indiana his 911 suddenly died at speed and would not re-start. He posted a request for a recommendation to a Porsche shop in Chicago and we are thrilled that someone suggested Midwest Performance Cars. Andy had the car flatbedded here and we were able to quickly and affordably remedy his issue and get him back on the road.
While he was here, we got to know Andy and hear some of his great stories. We were also struck by how calm and relaxed he was despite the major hiccup in his plans – he was having fun the whole time!
Check out Andy’s blog at:
Andy – thank you for your service and please come visit your friends at Midwest Performance Cars the next time you are in Chicago!